E-Ecology Documentation and Guidance
From ecology
The e-Ecology Virtual Laboratories represent a collaborative effort between the University of Amsterdam Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics and SARA Computing to manage data and develop tools for data exploration, analysis and visualization. This wiki is designed facilitate access to the data and tools within the Virtual Laboratories and to provide a forum for collaboration.
Bird data collected with the UvA-BiTS Bird Tracking System
- UvA-BiTS Data Model
- Connecting to the UvA-BiTS database
- Useful Queries
- Queries for linking bird tracks to wind and flow data
Bird data created from weather radar data and bird migration models. Financed by the Royal Netherlands Air Force.
- Flysafe GPS Data Model
- Radar Data Model
- Wind Profile Data Model
- Fino1 Data Model
- Connecting to the Flysafe database
- Visualization Tools
- KMZ Generator:
- Produce kmz files of GPS bird tracking data to be viewed in Google Earth.
- BirdView:
- Access meterological and radar data and overlay with GPS bird tracking data.
- BirdSim:
- More dynamic version of BirdView that allows the user to scroll through weather data in time and space.
- KMZ Generator:
- Annotation tables for uploading GPS anntotation data into your own schema
- Dashboard: This web page allows users to get an overview of the raw data files of GPS bird tracking devices.