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UvAGPS Data Model

For different versions of the UvAGPS firmware different tables are used. For firmware version v0.9.3.6 till v1.0.0.X the tables UVA_ENGINEERING_DATA and UVA_TRACKING_DATA are used. But in the new firmware versions till so much information was added that new tables were introduced. However for the most important tracking tables a view is created so that all similar tracking for all types of firmware can be seen in one view. That is the UVA_TRACKING view.


Tracking data from UvA GPS tags

Field Type Key Constraints Comments
device_info_serial int4 PK NOT NULL
date_time timestamp PK NOT NULL GMT
latitude float8 Decimal degrees
longitude float8 Decimal degrees
h_accuracy float8 Horizontal accuracy (m)
v_accuracy float8 Vertical accuracy (m)
altitude float8 m
x_acceleration Float8 x axis acceleration (m/s22) movement to right is + and to left is -
y_acceleration Float8 y axis acceleration (m/s22) forward movement is + and backwards is -
z_acceleration Float8 z axis acceleration (m/s22) upwards movement is + downwards is -
speed float8 m/s
course float8 Degrees
pressure float8 Pressure sensor (pascal)
temperature Float8 Degrees celcius
solar_voltage Float8 V
battery_voltage Float8 V
quality text Data flagged as unacceptable by user
“"location”" geometry postgreSQL geometry


Engineering data from UvA GPS tags

Field Type Key Constraints Comments
device_info_serial int4 PK NOT NULL
date_time timestamp PK NOT NULL GMT
t_syncsts smallint 0: not synced, 1: user synced, 2: Gps synced
t_entzt smallint 0: UCT time,1: TZT time (timezone time)
gzp_currentrategps int4
gzp_currentratecom int4
gzp_currentratepwr int4
sbm_voltagesolarpanel float8
sbm_voltagebattery float8
sbm_chargemode int2
egzp_mainrategps integer
egzp_mainratecom integer
egzp_mainratepwr integer
smg_on text
smg_off text
smg_esavegpsrate integer
smz_on text
smz_off text
smz_esavecomrate integer
gpsnavigationmode smallint
gpsfixtimeout smallint
eh text

-- New UvA GPS tables for firmware ,,

-- Track firmware version for devices -- drop table gps.uva_device create table gps.uva_device (

 device_info_serial integer not null,
 firmware_version text not null,
 primary key(device_info_serial) 


-- Communication table --drop table gps.uva_comm101; create table gps.uva_comm101 (

 device_info_serial integer not null,
 date_time timestamp not null,  -- timestamp of start communication
 date_time_end timestamp,   -- timestamp of end communication           
 date_time_utc timestamp,   --  date_time in utc (if available)
 date_time_end_utc timestamp,   --  date_time_end in utc (if available)
 action text,               -- JOINED / RESCHEDULE  ?? Question Is this needed? Can't we put everything in status ??
 bytes_communicated integer,-- Number of bytes communicated (total of all bytes per DATA line)  
 status text,               -- READY, TIMEOUT, LOWPOWER, MISSING
 network_join_time integer, -- milliseconds
 number_identical_lines integer, -- Number identical lines in data block. Gives indication 
 non_ascii_char integer,    -- Number of non ascii characters (indicated by question-mark ?)
 -- Also add values from S0/S1 to comm table 
 -- S0 
 sts_time timestamp,        -- derived from S0 hh,mi ?? is this required
 timesynced smallint,       -- TimeSynced (0=not sy:wnced, 1=user set, 2=Gps Synced)
 devicemode smallint,       -- DeviceMode (0-99)
 vbat float,                -- Battery voltage in V (0-~4.200V) 
 logb integer,              -- logged bytes, waiting for download (0-4Mbyte)
 logp smallint,             -- Logged percentage (units 0.1%) of memory waiting to be downloaded (0-1000)
 gpsii integer,             -- GpsIval, current (0-65535)
 comii integer,             -- ComIval, current (0-65535)
 accii integer,             -- AcceleroIval, current (0-65535)
 swddd integer,             -- User switches, current (0-65535) 

-- esw smallint , -- Solar cell switches (0-255). Added in fw1020, removed in fw1022 ??

 -- S1  
 last_gps_fix timestamp, -- timestamp of last fix
 latitude  float,        -- Decimal degrees
 longitude float,        -- Decimal degrees
 primary key(device_info_serial, date_time)


-- -- Settings are either from C0-C1-C9 lines or parsed from uplink communication lines -- If C0-C1 is parsed its values are compared with the previous value and if the settings are the -- same no new records needs to be added -- If uplink settings are parsed wait till the last setting has been seen, (DL command or EOF) -- then store all the new settings in one record. --drop table gps.uva_settings101; create table gps.uva_settings101 (

 -- C0 
 device_info_serial integer not null,
 -- Derive timestamp from Hh:mi fields in C0 combined with computer timestamp in JOINED line
 date_time timestamp not null,  
 timesynced smallint,
 timezone_time smallint,
 swddd integer,                -- SpecialUserSwitches 
 gpsnavmode smallint,          -- GpsNavMode 0-7
 gpsreceivermode smallint,     -- GpsReceiverNode 0-3
 gpsfixtime smallint,          -- GpsFixTime 0-255
 gps_ivaln_on_h smallint,      -- hours Gps IvalN on
 gps_ivaln_on_m smallint,      -- minutes Gps IvalN on 
 gps_ivaln  integer,           -- GpsIvalN (0-65530)
 gps_ivale_on_h smallint,      -- hours Gps IvalE on
 gps_ivale_on_m smallint,      -- minutes GpS IvalE on
 gps_ivale  integer,           -- GpsIvalE 
 com_ivaln_on_h smallint,      -- hours Com IvalN on
 com_ivaln_on_m smallint,      -- minutes Com IvalN on
 com_ivaln integer,            -- ComIvalN (0-65530)
 com_ivale_on_h smallint,      -- hours Com IvalE on
 com_ivale_on_m smallint,      -- minutes Com IvalE on
 com_ivale integer,            -- ComIvalE
 -- C1 
 accii integer,                -- Accelero measurement interval         
 accbn integer,                -- Accelero number of blocks 
 accsn integer,                -- Accelero number of samples (0-65536)
 f smallint,                   -- Accelero sample frequency  (0=20Hz, 1=10Hz, 2=5Hz, 3=1Hz)
 pdp smallint,                 -- PdopMsk (3-250)
 pac smallint,                 -- PaccMsk (10-100)
 tdp smallint,                 -- TdopMsk (3-250)
 tac smallint,                 -- TaccMsk (30-300)
 ga smallint,                  -- Additional Fixes GpsIval mode (3-25) before interval fix is logged
 aol smallint,                 -- AccMemOffLev (100 - 950) units 0.1%; if Memfull above 
                               --  this level all Accelero activity will be overruled 
                               -- and switched off untill MemFull < level - 5
 eventnum text,                -- 12 eventnumbers (0-0xff) only printed if not zero, therfore converted to text
 primary key(device_info_serial, date_time) 


--drop table gps.uva_tracking_data101; create table gps.uva_tracking_data101 (

 device_info_serial integer not null,
 date_time timestamp not null,
 latitude float,           -- Decimal degrees
 longitude float,          -- Decimal degrees
 altitude integer,         -- heigth above sealevel meters
 pressure integer,         -- in pascal (1mBar = 100Pa, 1pressuremeter = ~12Pa)
 temperature float,        -- in celcius degrees
 satellites_used smallint, -- satellites used for fix 
 gps_fixtime float,        -- GpsFixTime in seconds 
 positiondop float,        -- Position DOP in units
 h_accuracy  float,        -- Horizontal accuracy (units of meter)
 v_accuracy  float,        -- Vertical accuracy (units of meter)
 x_speed float,            -- Speed in x-axis (m/s)
 y_speed float,            -- Speed in y-axis (m/s)
 z_speed float,            -- Speed in z-axis (m/s)
 speed_accuracy float,     -- Speed accuracy (m/s) 
 primary key(device_info_serial, date_time)


select AddGeometryColumn('gps', 'uva_tracking_data101', 'location', 4326, 'POINT', 2);

create trigger process_uva_tracking_data101 before insert or update on gps.uva_tracking_data101

   for each row execute procedure gps.update_location();

--drop table gps.uva_acceleration101; create table gps.uva_acceleration101 (

 device_info_serial integer not null,
 date_time timestamp not null,
 index smallint not null, 
 x_acceleration smallint, -- acceleration in X-axis (-2666 till 2666)
 y_acceleration smallint, -- acceleration in Y-axis (-2666 till 2666)
 z_acceleration smallint, -- acceleration in Z-axis (-2666 till 2666)
 primary key(device_info_serial, date_time, index)


-- Energy table - E0 lines --drop table gps.uva_energy101; create table gps.uva_energy101 (

 device_info_serial integer not null,
 date_time timestamp not null,
 timesynced smallint,        -- TimeSynced (0=not synced, 1=user set, 2=Gps synced)
 devicemode smallint,        -- (0-99)
 vsll float,                 -- Solar Voltage during charging in mV (0-~2500)
 vbat float,                 -- Battery Voltage in V (0-~4.200)
 ssw smallint,               -- Solar Cell Switches ... (0-255) fw1022 and up 
 -- extended fields if special user switch is on 
 vsoo float,                 -- Solar voltage open in V (0-~2.500)
 vdrf float,                 -- reference voltage Dac in V (0-~2.435)
 vchr float,                 -- charge current voltage
 g smallint,                 -- Gps battery threshold OK
 c smallint,                 -- Com battery threshold OK
 m smallint,                 -- Charge Mode (0,1,2 Com battery threshold OK
 pressure integer,           -- in pascal (1mBar = 100Pa, 1pressuremeter = ~12Pa)
 temperature float,          -- in celcius degrees   
 primary key(device_info_serial, date_time)


-- Cleanup UvAGPS data --delete from gps.uva_device; --delete from gps.uva_energy101; --delete from gps.uva_acceleration101; --delete from gps.uva_tracking_data101; --delete from gps.uva_settings101; --delete from gps.uva_comm101; --delete from gps.UVA_TRACKING_DATA; --delete from gps.UVA_engineering_DATA; --delete from bookkeeping.files where file_type = 'UVAGPS' and filename similar to 'Log_(' || array_to_string(array(select ltrim(to_char(device_info_serial, '0000')) from gps.uva_device where firmware_version in ('v1.0.1.4', 'v1.0.2.3', 'v1.0.2.4')), '|') || ')%'; --delete from bookkeeping.files where file_type = 'UVAGPS'; -- --delete from gps.uva_device where device_info_serial = 188; --delete from gps.uva_energy101 where device_info_serial = 188; --delete from gps.uva_acceleration101 where device_info_serial = 188; --delete from gps.uva_tracking_data101 where device_info_serial = 188; --delete from gps.uva_settings101 where device_info_serial = 188; --delete from gps.uva_comm101 where device_info_serial = 188; --delete from bookkeeping.files where file_type = 'UVAGPS' and filename like 'Log_0188%';

-- drop view gps.uva_tracking; create or replace view gps.uva_tracking as select device_info_serial

    , date_time
    , latitude
    , longitude
    , altitude::float as altitude
    , pressure::float as pressure
    , temperature
    , h_accuracy
    , v_accuracy
    , x_speed
    , y_speed
    , z_speed
    , gps_fixtime
    , location

from gps.uva_tracking_data101 union select device_info_serial

    , date_time
    , latitude
    , longitude
    , altitude
    , pressure
    , temperature
    , h_accuracy
    , v_accuracy
    , x_speed
    , y_speed
    , z_speed
    , gps_fixtime
    , location

from gps.uva_tracking_data;