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The dashboard is the tool to view the details of your projects. If you have administrative rights in a project you can also use it to administer them (e.g.: see trackers, create track sessions, add users...)

Monitoring your trackers: Dashboard tab

The direct link: https://services.e-ecology.sara.nl/dashboard/

The Dashboard tab is the facility that helps you to get an overview of which trackers recently made contact and how much data they uploaded to the database.

On the Dashboard there are two tabs, “Overview” and “Files Dashboard”:

  • Overview: gives an overview of the tracker activity for all your projects for the last three days.
  • Files Dashboard: allows you to examine tracker activity for specific projects for adjustable time periods.

A tracker is highlighted in colour if it uploaded data. The small horizontal bar indicates how much data the tracker uploaded to the database. See the legend on the “Files Dashboard” for an explanation.

Which trackers are shown on the dashboard?

only active trackers are shown, that is trackers with an active track session
Files Dashboard
By default only active trackers are shown. Click on “show all trackers” to show all trackers of the project, that is also those without an active track session (e.g. to show trackers that you have turned on, but that have not been put on a bird yet, and therefore do not have an active track session).

Administering your projects: Projects tab

The direct link: https://services.e-ecology.sara.nl/dashboard/projects/

Users in your project

  1. Users should register themselves with Uva-Bits on https://services-dev.e-ecology.sara.nl/dashboard/open/signup. Only after users have successfully registered themselves can you make them a member of your project, by following the next steps:
  2. Click Project Admin on the top of your screen
  3. On the Overview tab, select the project you want to add a member to
  4. Click on the Memberships tab
  5. Click on Add new to add a user membership to the selected project
  6. You will now see a screen “Create Membership” where you need to fill out:
    • User: the login name of the user (which has already registered himself on UvaBits) that you want to add (when you start typing the user’s name, a list will pop up with users’ names that match what you have just typed in so far)
    • Role: the membership role, i.e. the administrative rights you want to give to the user. Pick one of four options:
      • Enrolled: the user can only see the project exists, but cannot access data or perform administrative rights.
      • Base: assign this role to standard users. They can view and use the project data, but have no administrative rights
      • Admin: assign this role to project administrators. They can add/change user memberships, birds and track sessions
      • Leader: the role with highest administrative rights, typically for the principal investigator. Admin cannot change the administrative rights of a leader, but leaders can change the rights of Admins.
    • Status: select Approved to add the user to your project. If you want to put the membership temporarily on hold, select Pending_User (this will trigger the user to submit it back to you for re-approval).
    • Comments: any comments you like to add to the new membership

Trackers owned by your project

  1. Click Project Admin on the top of your screen
  2. On the Overview tab, select the project for which you want to see the trackers
  3. Click on the Trackers tab
  4. This will give you an overview of all the trackers part of your project. Most important are the numbers listed in the column “Tracker”, these correspond to the number on the physical tracker device (this number is called device_info_serial in the database).
  5. In case you have several projects or collaborate with other projects, you may want to share trackers of your current project with other projects. To do so click “Add new share” and enter the following:
    • Share with project: enter the project name of the project you want to share a tracker with
    • Tracker: the tracker number of the tracker you want to share
    • Tracker ownership: usually, leave it blank (it is meaningful only if you have had a tracker in your project within two or more time periods)
    • Start date / End date: the start and end dates during which you want to share the tracker with another project. This gives you the flexibility to share data for a restricted time period only (e.g.: to prevent disclosing a nest location during mating season).