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= Useful Queries =  
= Useful Queries =  
A query to determine the total distance a bird has flown for a time period is :
Judy had al een query om de totale afstand te bepalen voor een ID. Dat was :
select sum(distance)/1000 as total_distance
from gps.get_uvagps_track_speed('''<ID>''');
select sum(distance)/1000 as total_distance
from gps.get_uvagps_track_speed(355);
select sum(distance)/1000 as total_distance
from gps.get_uvagps_track_speed('''<ID>''', '2010-01-01 00:00:00', '2011-01-01 00:00:00');
Als je dat voor alle ID’s tegelijk wilt doen krijg je bijvoorbeeld iets van :
select device_info_serial,  (select sum(distance)/1000
If you want to do this for all ID's at the same time you can do something like :
  from gps.get_uvagps_track_speed(device_info_serial)) as total_distance
from gps.uva_device
dat duurt even.
  select device_info_serial,  (select sum(distance)/1000
Ik kan me voorstellen dat je dat alleen voor een  bepaalde tijdsperiode wilt zien. Dan heb je bijvoorbeeld :
select device_info_serial,  (select sum(distance)/1000
   from gps.get_uvagps_track_speed(device_info_serial, '2010-01-01 00:00:00', '2011-01-01 00:00:00')) as total_distance
   from gps.get_uvagps_track_speed(device_info_serial, '2010-01-01 00:00:00', '2011-01-01 00:00:00')) as total_distance
from gps.uva_device
from gps.uva_device(_limited)
In SQL heb je de GROUP BY clause, die het mogelijk maakt om aggregaties zoals som, aantal, gemiddelde, te groeperen volgens bepaalde criteria zoals ID
Het totaal aantal positiemetingen per ID is dan :
select device_info_serial, count(*) from gps.uva_tracking group by device_info_serial;
Als je alleen de valide metingen met gps fix wilt hebben voeg je nog een conditie toe waar de latitude niet null is
select device_info_serial, count(*) from gps.uva_tracking where latitude is not null group by device_info_serial;
The GROUP BY clause in SQL can be used to count the total number of measurements for each device :
select device_info_serial, count(*)
from gps.uva_tracking(_limited)
group by device_info_serial;
Een als je zowel het aantal meteingen met gps fix als zonder wilt zien per device kun je iets doen als :
If you want to count the number of measurements with valid GPS fixes you can add a where clause :
select device_info_serial, count(*)
  from gps.uva_tracking
where latitude is not null
  group by device_info_serial;
If you to see want both the count of valid and invalid GPS fixes per device you can do something like :
select device_info_serial, latitude is not null as valid, count(*) from gps.uva_tracking group by device_info_serial, valid order by device_info_serial, valid;
  select device_info_serial, latitude is not null as valid, count(*)  
  from gps.uva_tracking  
  group by device_info_serial, valid  
  order by device_info_serial, valid;

Revision as of 09:41, 27 September 2010

Useful Queries

A query to determine the total distance a bird has flown for a time period is :

select sum(distance)/1000 as total_distance
from gps.get_uvagps_track_speed(<ID>);


select sum(distance)/1000 as total_distance
from gps.get_uvagps_track_speed(<ID>, '2010-01-01 00:00:00', '2011-01-01 00:00:00');

If you want to do this for all ID's at the same time you can do something like :

select device_info_serial,  (select sum(distance)/1000
  from gps.get_uvagps_track_speed(device_info_serial, '2010-01-01 00:00:00', '2011-01-01 00:00:00')) as total_distance
from gps.uva_device(_limited)

The GROUP BY clause in SQL can be used to count the total number of measurements for each device :

select device_info_serial, count(*) 
from gps.uva_tracking(_limited) 
group by device_info_serial; 

If you want to count the number of measurements with valid GPS fixes you can add a where clause :

select device_info_serial, count(*) 
from gps.uva_tracking 
where latitude is not null 
group by device_info_serial;

If you to see want both the count of valid and invalid GPS fixes per device you can do something like :

 select device_info_serial, latitude is not null as valid, count(*) 
 from gps.uva_tracking 
 group by device_info_serial, valid 
 order by device_info_serial, valid;

Ik zal dit in de WIKI zetten .

Met vriendelijke groet,

Bart Heupers